The Paralegal Blog
Learn more about the latest WSIB news and cases.
Correcting the WSIB: One Correctional Officer’s Fight for Recognition of her Work-Related PTSD
In 2014, a Correctional Officer was diagnosed with Complex PTSD after being exposed to numerous traumatic events while working at a youth correctional facility. Two years later, she was permanently restricted from working in a correctional setting. Her employer offered her a new role as a Ferry Deck Hand their
Non-Economic Loss Awards
Let’s talk about Non-Economic Loss Awards! Commonly referred to as the “NEL”, a Non-Economic Loss Award is paid to an injured worker when their injury or illness results in a permanent impairment. This can be for a physical injury, or a mental stress injury. The NEL award represents the impact
MMR Doesn’t Mean “Medical Money Refused”
Have you ever been told that once you reach Maximum Medical Recovery (MMR), the WSIB will no longer fund your treatment? I can’t tell you how many times we hear this from injured workers who contact our office for assistance, and it’s simply not true. MMR means your medical condition
A Rose By Any Other Name: The Need for Critical Assessment of “Suitable Modified Work”
Recently, there has been a strong push for an “early and safe return to work” for individuals recovering from occupational stress injuries. However, it’s essential that the drive to achieve return to work outcomes does not come at the cost of mental wellness. To achieve a safe and sustainable return
Considerations for Expansion of Presumptive Entitlement: Civilian Police Employees and Trauma
Many civilian employees of Police Services may be regularly exposed to traumatic content, whether directly or indirectly, due to their occupations. However, they are excluded from coverage under the Presumptive Policy. If they sustain psychological injuries due to their workplace exposures, their claims will only be considered for entitlement under
Abuse is Not “Part of the Job”
A civilian employee of a Police Service was working as an Administrative Assistant in the Financial Crimes Unit. Day after day, for a period spanning 18 months, she was verbally abused by irate citizens who had been victims of fraud. One day, it became too much, and she was no